Wall Street Week - Full Show (09/18/2020) - Business News, Finance News, Share Market News - Market trendz

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Saturday 19 September 2020

Wall Street Week - Full Show (09/18/2020)

Sep.18 -- One of the most iconic brands in financial television returns for today's issues and today's world. This week's Wall Street Week features David Westin's interviews with Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, Evercore Founder & Senior Chairman Roger Altman, Former IBM CEO Sam Palmisano, and Northern Trust Wealth Management CIO Katie Nixon. The conversations analyze the recent rebound in M&A activity, the strategic advantage for Oracle to take a stake in ByteDance's TikTok, and the role of markets in fighting climate change. Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers and Former Federal Reserve Governor Dan Tarullo discuss whether the economy is at a crossroads as the Fed expects to hold rates near zero until 2023.
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