Pakistanis Struggle with Soaring Inflation as Government Tries to Stabilize Economy - Business News, Finance News, Share Market News - Market trendz

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Monday 10 April 2023

Pakistanis Struggle with Soaring Inflation as Government Tries to Stabilize Economy

 Pakistanis Struggle with Soaring Inflation as Government Tries to Stabilize Economy

Pakistanis Struggle with Soaring Inflation as Government Tries to Stabilize Economy

In Pakistan, the cost of living has skyrocketed, and citizens are struggling to make ends meet due to the surging inflation rate. The government is scrambling to stabilize the economy, but it has been challenging, as various factors have contributed to the country's economic woes.

Inflation Soaring High

Inflation in Pakistan has reached a historic high, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) soaring to 11.1% in March 2021. Prices of food items, particularly wheat, sugar, and edible oils, have gone through the roof, and the situation has worsened with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The country's currency has also depreciated, leading to increased import costs, and driving up the prices of goods even further.

Impact on Citizens

The high inflation rate has severely impacted Pakistan's citizens, particularly those belonging to the lower-income groups. The cost of food items and other essential commodities has become unaffordable, forcing people to cut back on their expenses. The situation has become so dire that many people are struggling to put food on the table, and the number of people living below the poverty line has increased.

Government's Efforts to Stabilize the Economy

The government of Pakistan has taken several measures to stabilize the economy and curb inflation. The State Bank of Pakistan has increased the interest rate to control inflation, but it has hurt businesses and investments. The government has also launched several initiatives to increase agricultural productivity and improve the supply chain to reduce the prices of essential commodities.

However, more than these efforts is needed to bring down the inflation rate significantly. The government's decision to remove subsidies on electricity and fuel has also contributed to the increasing cost of living. The government has also had to take loans from international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to deal with the economic crisis.

Way Forward

To tackle the inflation crisis, the government of Pakistan needs to make some tough decisions. It needs to increase investment in the agricultural sector to improve productivity and reduce the prices of essential commodities. The government also needs to improve the business environment to attract local and foreign investment, which can create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Moreover, the government needs to increase its revenue collection by broadening the tax base and cracking down on tax evasion. It should also reduce its expenditure by cutting down on unnecessary expenses and improving the efficiency of public sector institutions.


Inflation in Pakistan has reached alarming levels, and the government's efforts to stabilize the economy have not been enough. The high cost of living has made life difficult for the citizens, particularly those of lower-income groups. The government must make some tough decisions to address the inflation crisis and revive the economy. A concerted effort from all stakeholders, including the government, private sector

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