Markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday barred Pradeep Pandya, who was anchoring stock market shows on a television channel, and seven other entities from securities market for five years and imposed a fine of Rs 2.6 crore collectively for indulging in fraudulent trading activities. Apart from Pandya, others banned by Sebi are Alpesh Furiya, Manish Furiya, Alpa Furiya, Alpesh Vasanji Furiya HUF, Manish V Furiya HUF, Mahan Investment and Toshee Trade. Pandya was the host/co-host of various shows at CNBC Awaaz till August 2021, while Alpesh Furiya appeared on the television channel as a guest/external expert and gave stock recommendations on his Twitter handle. A high correlation was noted between the stock recommendations given by Pradeep Pandya on the show 'Pandya Ka Funda' and the Buy-Today-Sell-Tomorrow trades and intra-day trades executed by Alpesh Furiya and connected entities during the period from November 2019 to January 2021. "Pradeep Pandya, while serving as an anchor for CNBC .
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Wednesday 12 June 2024
Sebi bans former TV anchor Pandya, 7 others from mkt for 5 yrs, slaps fine
Markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday barred Pradeep Pandya, who was anchoring stock market shows on a television channel, and seven other entities from securities market for five years and imposed a fine of Rs 2.6 crore collectively for indulging in fraudulent trading activities. Apart from Pandya, others banned by Sebi are Alpesh Furiya, Manish Furiya, Alpa Furiya, Alpesh Vasanji Furiya HUF, Manish V Furiya HUF, Mahan Investment and Toshee Trade. Pandya was the host/co-host of various shows at CNBC Awaaz till August 2021, while Alpesh Furiya appeared on the television channel as a guest/external expert and gave stock recommendations on his Twitter handle. A high correlation was noted between the stock recommendations given by Pradeep Pandya on the show 'Pandya Ka Funda' and the Buy-Today-Sell-Tomorrow trades and intra-day trades executed by Alpesh Furiya and connected entities during the period from November 2019 to January 2021. "Pradeep Pandya, while serving as an anchor for CNBC .